

Dec 15, 2023

How The Game Novel Series achieved five times more sales

Alex Bos is an author known for crafting compelling, short, episodic novellas that delve into the complexities...

Alex Bos is an author known for crafting compelling, short, episodic novellas that delve into the complexities of social justice in a post-modern, Black Mirror-inspired setting. Her thought-provoking stories challenge your perceptions of reality and self, making her works irresistible page-turners.

Her novel "The Game" is now in its second edition, captivating readers and ascending the ladder of literary success.

People reached
25-30 books/mo
5x more since joining Social Cat


Other (Books)

The Challenge

As an author looking to promote her work, Alex grappled with the challenges of Influencer Marketing - a time-consuming process often tainted by scams, high costs, and minimal returns. As she explains, '...sometimes I wouldn't even see a single sale from those things. That's the worst part.' This led her to discover Social Cat.

"I was really happy because as soon as I partnered with Social Cat (...) in three days, I did what I was able to do in four months. People were just very respectful. They actually read the content; they posted it right away. There was more accountability. People have been open to just being gifted a book, which I appreciate."

Alex Bos
Writer at The Game Novel

The Solution

Through our platform, she has consistently connected with a diverse group of influencers who are genuinely interested in reading and promoting her novel. The days of trying influencer searches, marked by time and financial costs, are long gone. It's not just brand awareness that Alex has cultivated but also a wealth of positive and, most importantly, honest book reviews and more sales.

The Results

Since embarking on her journey with us, she has experienced she has successfully completed 29 collaborations, with an additional 20 in progress. Alex has generously gifted 24 novels collectively valued at $435. All of this has been achieved within just a few months, highlighting the efficiency and impact of her partnership with Social Cat.

Collaborations completed
Avg followers per influencer
Users reached

While raising brand awareness and harnessing book reviews were Alex's primary objectives, the results she achieved with Social Cat extended far beyond her initial goals. In her first month with us, she experienced conversions exceeding her expectations.

Total cost

Before joining Social Cat, Alex was making around 5 to 10 sales per month, and after joining our platform, her sales consistently hit 25 to 30 each month. No other acquisition channels were explored during this period to attribute sales to.

25-30 books/mo
before joining Social Cat, the brand used to sell 5 - 10 books/mo - 5 times more sales attributed to influencers
UGC pieces

"The sales I made in the past month have been the highest I've ever had. It's the first step towards achieving more significant success."

Alex Bos
Writer at The Game Novel

Check some of the collaborations

Would you like to get started with influencer marketing? Start a free trial with Social Cat and collaborate with micro-influencers to get sales, brand awareness and user-generated content.

Comparison with other platforms

We're comparing Social Cat with other Influencer Marketing platforms to understand the differences in costs: Modash, Insense, and #Paid.

To have an accurate comparison, we must have an overview of the following:

  • Modash - $120/mo
  • Insense - $400/mo (the minimum commitment is three months.)
  • #Paid - $499/mo (Entry-level plan. Pricing is not displayed on their website, this amount is from a review on Influencer Marketing Hub, updated in April 2023.)

Let's break down the pricing if The Game Novel were to use one of the other platforms and use paid micro influencers.

  • Influencer fees = $100 - $500 per post (Since the brand worked with Instagram micro-influencers, we will use this as the main comparison point.)
  • Content licensing fees = $25 - $250 (This varies depending on placement, type of content, duration, and metrics.)
  • Product cost (retail price) = $14.99 (We're using the retail price for this comparison since the COGS is approximated.)

For all the comparisons above, we're using the lowest fees in terms of influencers and usage rights. The platform fees are based on a 6-month time frame, and then product cost is standard.

Social Cat costs

  • Platform fees - $414
  • Influencer fees - $0 (gifted collaborations)
  • Content licensing fees - $725
  • Total cost of products - $435
  • Total cost = $1,574

One thing to consider here is that the brand we're looking at in this use case operates on our Start-up Plan, which does not include content licensing, so they pay this fee separately. The licensing would be included if they upgrade to the Growth Plan for $30 extra per month.

In this case, they can potentially save an extra $545/mo. However, since they are on the Start-up Plan, we'll not take this into consideration and will add a $25 licensing fee per piece of content.

Another thing to take into consideration: for the total cost of products, we're using the retail price. However, this has the margins added on, but in reality, we should be using the COGS since that would be the most relevant one. Since the COGS is approximated, let's stick to the retail price.

Comparison with Modash

It's safe to say the team at Game Novel Series reached almost 80k unique users and got more than 100k impressions for three times less cost by working with micro-influencers from Social Cat instead of Modash.

  • Platform fees - $720
  • Influencer fees - $2,900
  • COGS = $216
  • Total cost of products - $435
  • Total cost = $4,780

Social Cat

    Opt-in influencers - they sign-up and go through an approval process - 10% approval rate
    Gifted, affiliate, and paid campaigns - shows what campaigns each influencer does
    Paid influencers - shows how much each one of them charges per post
    Accurate metrics - we're integrated with Meta and TikTok
    Integrated communications - messaging, briefing, and contracts in one place


    No vetting process - imported influencers from social media
    Need to reach out first - you need to reach out first to find out what campaigns they do
    Pricing is unavailable - you need to reach out to influencers first
    Estimated, inaccurate metrics - based on public data
    Extra tools or upgrades needed to communicate with influencers - email marketing software

Comparison with Insense

Using the same benchmarks and comparing the same types of influencers, Social Cat is four times more affordable than Insense. Game Novel Series would end up paying more than $6,000 for the same amount of reach and impressions.

  • Platform fees - $2,400
  • Influencer fees - $2,900
  • Marketplace fees - $290 (10% of each influencer fee, charged on top)
  • Content licensing fees - $725
  • Total cost of products - $435
  • Total cost = $6,750

Insense also works on product seeding, which is similar to gifted collaborations - influencers will post on their social channels in exchange for free products.

If we compare from this perspective, the total cost of working with Insense for the same amount of time is $3,560, so still two times more expensive than Social Cat.

Social Cat

    Free trials available for brands
    No other fees are involved except subscription fee and influencer fee (if paid campaigns)
    Billed monthly, cancel-anytime policy in place
    Multiple brands per account


    No free trial period - $500/mo to trial the platform
    Marketplace fees of 10 to 20% on top of subscription and influencer fee
    Billed quarterly only
    One brand per account

Comparison with #Paid

#Paid bills $7,054 for six months, while Social Cat bills $1,574 for the same amount of time, unique users reached, and impressions.

  • Platform fees - $2,994
  • Influencer fees - $2,900
  • Content licensing fees - $725
  • Total cost of products - $435
  • Total cost = $7,054

Social Cat

    Free trials available for brands
    Gifted, paid, and affiliate campaigns
    Priced—billed monthly, cancel-anytime policy in place
    Prospecting tool—search influencers using advanced filters


    No free trial period available
    Mostly paid campaigns
    Pricing—on request only
    No prospecting or searching function available

Final Notes

Alex's journey is a great example of Social Cat's versatility and affordability.

While we don't have a specific niche for authors, our vibrant community of creators has significantly contributed to her success and the growth of her novel. Her story highlights the power of authenticity, collaboration, and community.

Would you like to get started with influencer marketing? Start a free trial with Social Cat and collaborate with micro-influencers to get sales, brand awareness and user-generated content.

Social Cat - Find micro influencers

Created with love for creators and businesses


Contact us at joe@thesocialcat.com