

Aug 3, 2022

As a small brand, we do not have the cash to pay for content licensing, and photoshoots are out of the question

The main goal of working with micro-influencers is user-generated content. We have learned that people...

CLCKR is a tech and mobile accessories company that operates in the USA and the UK. CLCKR creates unique ranges of accessories that cover the latest tech gadgets on the market.

Their target market is men and women between 15 and 50 years old.


Tech Accessories & Lifestyle

The Challenge

CLCKR had difficulties getting the user-generated content necessary for their marketing channels. Initially, they turned to influencer agencies to partner up, but the monthly costs were too high for a small brand looking to grow.

Besides the agency's monthly costs, the influencers required to work with were looking for paid collaborations in general and extra fees for content licensing.

Another solution they were looking to explore was photoshoots, but from their experience working with other brands, they know that potential customers are looking for organic, raw, and real-life content instead of studio-edited content with their products.

"The main goal of working with micro-influencers is user-generated content. As a small brand, we do not have the cash flow to pay for content licensing, and photo shoots are out of the question. Plus, there is one more problem with photo shoots. We have learned that people don't want to see edited photos with good-looking models (nothing wrong with that) using their products.

They prefer seeing real people, good and bad, just like we all are using products, so it was somehow intuitive to move towards micro-influencers.

To sum up, we were attracted by the accessible costs for us as a small brand via gifting and Social Cat pricing compared with agencies, databases, and photoshoots."

Nicola Devereux
Product Marketing Manager at CLCKR

The Solution

CLCKR turned to Social Cat after discovering it on Instagram ad to create a pipeline micro-influencers that can create authentic content.

Working with Social Cat, CLCKR worked with a few dozens of micro-influencers interested in gifted campaigns exclusively. The Social Cat pricing was way more attractive than their previous options; plus, with Social Cat, they could use the UGC obtained on their marketing channels at no extra cost.

Besides getting the necessary UGC, CLCKR could also cut down on time to find the right influencers for their brand. The Social Cat matchmaking system delivered the right micro-influencers for their campaigns directly in their Inbox weekly.

The Results

CLCKR completed 28 collaborations with micro-influencers on Social Cat and have 44 other collaborations in progress.

Collaborations completed
Avg followers per influencer
People reached

CLCKR worked exclusively on gifted collaborations on Social Cat. The only costs related are the gifted products and the Social Cat subscription. There are no other costs related to micro-influencers payments or content usage rights.

Total cost

"Social Cat has been a great platform for us to find micro influencers to enhance our influencer programme and get our product out there. The site is easy to navigate and connect with creators. Great for getting UCG from creators around the world."

Nicola Devereux
Product Marketing Manager at CLCKR

Check some of the collaborations

Would you like to get started with influencer marketing? Start a free trial with Social Cat and collaborate with micro-influencers to get sales, brand awareness and user-generated content.

Comparison with other platforms

It's important to notice, Social Cat is the only platform that helps brand find micro influencers that are happy to work on gifted collaborations. All other platforms are focused on paid influencers.

In comparison, if CLCKR decided to partner up with paid micro-influencers (5k - 50k), the minimum influencer fee for one single campaign would be $100 (according to Influencer Marketing Hub). To this, we add the costs of the products plus the platform used to discover the mid-tier influencers and the price for content usage rights. The minimum charge for content usage rights when working with micro-influencers is a minimum of $50.

Social Cat is by far the most affordable platforms on the market. Most other platforms use obscure pricing and it usually starts at a minimum of $300 per month. The cheapest plan at Social Cat is $49. Here's the pricing for some of the other platforms out there (for working with 57 influencers):

  • Tribe Group - $3629/mo (pay-per-use, basic plan)
  • Modash - $654/mo (the essentials plan, basic plan)
  • - $395/mo (self-serve, basic plan)

Let's break down the pricing if CLCKR were to use one of the other platforms and use paid micro influencers.

  • Platform fees = 3 months * minimum $395 = minimum $1,185
  • Influencer fees = $100 per influencer * 28 influencers = $2,800
  • COGS = $140
  • Content license rights = $50 per content * 28 influencers = $1,400
  • Total cost = $5,525

By working with gifted influencers from Social Cat instead of paid micro-influencers on other platforms, CLCKR saved more than $4,701 over the course of just a couple of months.

Comparison with influencer marketing agencies

We gathered data from 50 brands on Social Cat and their previous experiences with influencer marketing agencies. We discovered that the minimum fee to work with agencies is billed at $1500 per month for outsourcing about 20 micro-influencers and running campaigns with them. On top of these costs, we need to add the influencer fees and the fees for content usage rights.

Let's break down the pricing if CLCKR were to use an influencer agency.

  • Agency fees = 3 months * $1,500 = $4,500
  • Influencer fees = $100 per influencer * 28 influencers = $2,800
  • COGS = $140
  • Content license rights = $50 per content * 28 influencers = $1,400
  • Total cost = $8,840

By working with gifted influencers from Social Cat instead of hiring an influencer agency, CLCKR saved more than $8,016 over the course of just a couple of months.

Final Notes

CLCKR is just one of the thousands of satisfied brands that chose to work with micro-influencers on Social Cat.

Influencer marketing is a must have a tool in the stack of any marketeer or business owner. It works great in addition to your paid acquisition channels to generate awareness, build brand trust and get user generated content to use in your ads.

Would you like to get started with influencer marketing? Start a free trial with Social Cat and collaborate with micro-influencers to get sales, brand awareness and user-generated content.

Social Cat - Find micro influencers

Created with love for creators and businesses


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