Hello, I'm Thad. 52 years old, living in Houston Texas and loving opportunities to live life after watching our children reach adulthood and ...
Hello, I'm Thad. 52 years old, living in Houston Texas and loving opportunities to live life after watching our children reach adulthood and start their lives. Spending years in marketing and direct to consumer sales, starting, building and selling multiple small business's, I took what was learned and decided to apply in practice to building a platform where I can share who I am, my beliefs, my practices and approach to improving my health and well being. Not to long ago I was traveling daily, overweight, unhealthy and living a life void of a healthy diet and exercise. I made the choice 2 years ago to reverse the poor health choices and start a new path of healthy living. Self motivated and driven to build a healthy body and mind with fitness, healthy diet, and work life balance. I am always open to new ideas, collaborations and products than help me on my journey. If I use, believe and see the benefits of a product, then I get 100% behind it to help grow the brand.
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Owner Thadbod Following the belief of a healthy lifestyle and fitness choices Everyday is a new day to push one step closer to your goals
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