My name is Taja (tay-juh, and I am an aspiring content creator! My journey was stemmed by a conversation I had with a follower. She was very ...
My name is Taja (tay-juh, and I am an aspiring content creator! My journey was stemmed by a conversation I had with a follower. She was very insecure as a plus size woman. She told me that social media only depicts thin women as the beauty standard, and doesn't showcase more women of color that have natural curves and non-hourglass bodies. She said she looks up to me because of the confidence I exude on my page. She said she doesn't think she will ever be as confident. I want to change this. I want to show plus size women that they should feel comfortable in their own skin, and that starts with changing what they see on social media. I want to be an advocate for change and help continue the trend that all women are beautiful. I travel extensively as a 21 year old college student. I get asked by my peers how I'm able to do all the things that I do, so I like to bring awareness to the businesses that help me enjoy life!
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