The following guide is a short walk-through of the next steps you should take as a brand when you match an influencer on Social Cat.
The Product
The match happened behind the scenes, and an intro will be made for both of you via email.
Before discussing details about the campaign, it is essential to decide what product you will gift to the influencer. If you sell only one product, you will gift that one, so you can skip this section.
But if you do sell more products, read along.
Deciding what product you will send out is up to you, your goal with this campaign, your needs, or your cash flow. For example, maybe you are looking to promote a new product you are releasing and need content for it, or you might be revamping an older product and need more creative to cover it.
It all depends; there is no right or wrong here, so take a few moments to understand this better.
Content and specifications
You matched an influencer, and now you know the product you will send out. Next, it's time to talk about the actual partnership.
Depending on your campaign goal, now it's the best time to let the influencer know the deliverables for this campaign and how fast you would like to see it live. By deliverables, we mean what would you like in return for this product.
You can read more about the types of campaigns on Instagram here.
It is essential that any campaign that goes live on Instagram be accompanied by relevant hashtags, which can help with discovery and brand awareness.
As a brand, you probably have a few hashtags that you are regularly using in your post. Ask the influencer to post them along with your content.
If you are unsure what hashtags to use, you can read more about them in this guide.
Branded Content
Facebook policies require anyone, whether they're on a creator, business, or personal account, to tag business partners in their branded content posts when there's an exchange of value between a creator or publisher and a business partner.
Sometimes, brands try to avoid complying with Facebook policies ( and therefore, Instagram) for different reasons. However, trying to avoid policies will increase your chances of getting your profile suspended on Facebook, so we strongly recommend complying with current guidelines.
You can read more about the Facebook and Instagram policies here.
Sending the product out
You have everything in place, so now is time to send products out and wait for the influencer to reach back to you when they arrive.
If you have any questions, please send them over to and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.